the making of an ocean/beach resin tray

I am still a novice when it comes to working with resin. It definitely requires practice to achieve perfect results, including knowing how much working time you have, how much heat before you scorch the resin, and so on.

Some artists actually resin all of their paintings, but that is not my preference. There are certainly some works that are enhanced by its application, but other paintings are best left ‘au naturel’ with just an application of protective matte varnish, in my opinion.

In this case, I decided to use resin to create an ocean/beach scene in a wooden tray. Let’s just say I learned a lot and will try it again in the not-too-distant future :)

There is a video below of the beginning stages of this project. Unfortunately, the most important part of the video—the video clips of the actual mixing and tinting of the resin, the pouring of the resin layers and the creation of the ‘waves’—was lost, but there is a picture at the end of the final results. So, sit back and enjoy this ASMR video LOL!

Ocean/Beach Tray


the making of Easy Peasy Christmas decorations